The liver diseases are important health problem in Egypt. The high incidence ofhepatitis C virus infection among Egyptian is annoying for the individual as well as the governmental authorities and health care providers.Aflatoxins remain as a threat to the health of livestock as well as hUll1ans by their containing intermitrent occurrence in both foods and feeds. The present study aimed to study Aflatoxin (AFB1) and its possible role in the pathogenesis ofHCV infection among Egyptians. The study conducted on 30 patients with hepa· titis C virus infection from Cairo medical center and 20 subjects as a control.AIl subjects were subjected to the following: clinical examination, abdominal ultrasonography, liver biopsy for patients and laboratory tests which include liver function tests, serum HCV-Ab by ELISA, HCV-RNA-PCR & Serum AFB1. Results: The number ofcontaminated samples with AFB1 in chronic hepatitis C patients were (23) ,with a mean level of 16.5 nglml and a percentage of contamination of 76.7% which were significantly higher than control group, Pvalue(D.04). This present study demonstrated that no statistical significant difference between male and female as regarding contamination with AFB 1 and no statistical significant difference between contaminated and non contaminated cases with AFB1 as regarding the meall age. The serum samples ofHCV patients which were contaminated with AFB I showed higher levels ofALT, AST, ALP than non contaminated similar cases. The present work could demonstrate a positive correlation between HCV-RNA-PCR (copy I ml) and ALT and AST. Also behveen aflatoxin Bl and HCV-RNA-PCR (cop)' Iml}. In addition to a highly significant positive correlation between modified fibrotic score and AST and ALT levels. Conclusion: the present work could demonstrate a correlation between AFB1 and HCV which indicate additional factor to our public problems of HCV increased prevalence in Egypt. |