The purpose ofthis sludy was 10 detect the abilities o{non clIlture based methods (Enzyme-linked immul1osorbent assay and real-time PCR) in the diagnosis a/invasive Candida infection. Subjects and Methods,' Forty five patients with hematological malignancies who had febrile neutropenia and/ailed to resDond to broad spectrum antibiotic therapy were included in the study. they were subjected 10 blood cliltures lIsing BD BA C TEC1'M Mycosis-JCIF clllture vials in BA CTEC brand fluorescent series instrument. then identification ofCandida species in positive samples was done by clllture on sabaraud's dextrose agar and the isolated colonies were identified morphologically and biochemical(l'. The Candida mannan antigen was detected by ELISA technique and Multiplex, real time PCR was IIsed/or detection ofDNA ofthe common five Candida species in blood. Results: The study revealed.1...out 0/45 blood cllltures were positive/or Candida. otherwise!l alit of45 serum samples were positive for Candida antigen by EL'TSA technique. On lIsing Multiplex. realtime PCR tesl,J,1. out 0/45 whole EDTA blood samples were positive for Candida (50% C. albicans. 14.3% C tl'Opicalis. 14.3% C glabrata , 14.3 % C parapsi/osis and 7. I % C krusel'). There was very good agreement between Multip/ex, real time PCR and Ag detection by ELISA (Kappa=0.94) for the diagnosis ofCandidemia among the patiellts with hemat%gicalmalignancy, while there was fair agreement between b/ood culture technique and both Multiplex, realtime PCR and Ag detection by ELISA (Kappa=0.35 and 0.38 respectively). As regarding the lime consumed 10 diagnose candidemia , blood cliiture method took the mosllime to detect it (lip to 15 days) while MlllIiplex. real time PCR look the leasltime (]fier extractioll procedures (less than J hOIil~. Conelusion: Multiplex, real lime PCR is superior to conventional methods /01' the diagnosis ofcGndidelllia . being accurate, reproducible, rapid method
and it could differentiate Candida species. |