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Prof. Azza Ahmed Abdel Meguid Seyam :: Committees details:

Committee Year
Ex-supervisor of the Cultural Committee in the Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University, Benha Branch in 2002
Director of Studies and Research Center of Humanities and Community Service and Environmental Develo 0
The ex-director of the quality of education - Faculty of Arts - Banha University 0
Member of the Committee on Environment emanating from the Environmental Services Unit, Faculty of Ar 0
Manager of the e-portal project, Faculty of Arts - Banha University 0
Director of the research plan project, Faculty of Arts - Banha University 0
Member of the Faculty Education Enhancement Project 0
Ex-director of Quality Assurance Unit 0
• Member of the project of the strategic plan, Faculty of Arts, Banha University , from the axis of 0
Center for Leadership Development - Directorate of Youth and Sports - Qliubia. 0
Information Center - Qliubia. 0
Banha Environment Committee - Banha University 0
Participation in the Regional Week for Environmental Protection - Banha University for the years 200 0
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