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Prof. Azza Ahmed Abdel Meguid Seyam :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
social problem 2015
20. Chairman of the Committee of "Women and leadership in civil society" in the National Council for Women 2008
4. Symposium on "Youth and addiction: The most important risks" - the Center for Humanities and the environment - Banha University. 2008
The second scientific conference of the Faculty of Arts - Banha University (Conference Qalqashandi II)– 2007
Participation in Forum: Arab Women and the challenges of confrontation - the National Council for Women - Qliubia 2006
2. Egyptian youth symposium issues "challenges of the present and the future, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University 2005
15. Seminar for rural women: ambitions and some local changes - - Information Center - Qliubia Banha 2005
1. The eleventh annual symposium entitled "social and cultural transformations of the Egyptian countryside" - Department of Sociology - Center for Research and Social Studies Faculty of Arts - Cairo University. 2005
12. The Cultural Season - Banha University - Faculty of Arts in January. 2004
13. Cultural Season in the Information Center - Qliubia - Banha - a lecture entitled "Egyptian child between the socialization and cultural and knowledge training 2004
14. The tenth session of the Center for Leadership Development, Directorate of Youth and Sport in Qalyubiyah, Banha 2004
Participation in the seminar "Training and development of human skills" axis of the dynamics of working with the group - Banha University - Training Center 2004/2005 2004
3. Second International Conference on Environment and Development in the Arab world from, Center for Environmental Studies and Research - University of Assiut, 2004 2004
10. Seminar on "environment and community issues" at the Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University in. 2003
5. The Scientific Conference of the fourteenth annual "Human Development and modernization of Egypt", Faculty of Social Work in Fayoum, Cairo University 2003
1. Conference of the Egyptian family and the challenges of globalization, the ninth annual symposium - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University. 2003
8. Symposium on Egyptian family and the challenges of globalization, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University. 2002
7. The Conference of Arab Women Future Horizons - Banha Faculty of Arts 2002
200618. Chairman of the Committee on education and awareness within the Regional Week for the Protection of the Environment - Environment Committee - Banha University 0
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