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Dr. Aziza Zakaria Faramawy :: Publications:

Nursing Students’ Perception Regarding Quality of Nursing Courses and Its Relation to Their Academic Achievement
Authors: Aziza Zakaria Farmawy Ali, Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad
Year: 2016
Keywords: quality of nursing courses, nursing students, academic achievement
Journal: American Journal of Nursing Research
Volume: 4
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 91-99
Publisher: Aziza Zakaria Farmawy Ali
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Aziza Zakria Faramawy_2.pdf
Supplementary materials Aziza Zakria Faramawy_2.pdf

Background: Checking of students’ perception of quality of nursing courses is one of main items that can help the success of the educational nursing courses and beneficial for course development and improvement to achieve the desired intended learning outcomes and enhance academic achievement of nursing students. Aim: This study aimed to assess nursing students' perception of quality of nursing courses and its relation to their academic achievement. Research Design: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing-Benha University Sample: Non probability quota sample consisted of 752 from total student number 10438 students whom formerly registered in the Faculty and were in different academic study levels in academic year 2015/2016 and studied nursing courses. Tools of data collection: Three tools were employed in this study namely: Personal data of nursing student questionnaire, Quality of nursing courses questionnaire, and auditing checklist of nursing student's academic achievement. Results: The study yield that about nearly half of nursing students (49.1%) had low level of perception regarding quality of nursing courses dimensions of. objectives of the nursing course and (40.5%) of them had low level of perception regarding students-teacher interaction and communication, but more than two thirds of them had moderate level of perception regarding courses evaluation process and more than half (50.7%) of them had high level of perception regarding clinical setting. Also the highest level of total academic achievement (52.0%) of all nursing students were very good. Conclusion: There was a strong positive statistical significant correlation between nursing students` perception of quality of nursing courses and their academic achievement, also there was significant correlation between students' perception of quality of nursing courses and their academic study level. Recommendations: Nursing students' perception regarding quality of nursing courses should be considered and discussed by academic teaching staff and faculty of nursing administrators to make needed development to motivate the nursing students to highly academic achievement. Clarifying the objectives of nursing courses for nursing students and encourage teaching strategy of students-center.

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