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Dr. Baiumy Taha Abdel-Moati El-Assal :: Publications:

Experimental investigation of vapor chamber with different working fluids at different charge ratios
Authors: Ahmed A.A. Attia *, Baiumy T.A. El-Assal
Year: 2012
Keywords: Vapor chamber; Flat heat pipe; Electronic cooling; Heat pipe
Journal: Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Baiumy Taha Abdel-Moati El-Assal_[4] Experimental investigation of vapor chamber with different working fluids at different charge ratios.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Vapor chamber is one of highly effective thermally spread techniques in electronic cooling. In the following a work is conducted to evaluate thermal performance of 2.0 mm high and 50 mm diameter vapor chamber with water and methyl alcohol at different charge ratios. Also, a solution of water and Propylene Glycol at two concentration 50%, 15% were tested to study the effect of using surfactant as enhancement agent for working fluid. Also total thermal resistance of the chamber is divided into three types (junction resistance, internal resistance, and condenser resistance) to investigate and determine which type of thermal resistance has a major effect on chamber total thermal resistance.

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