You are in:Home/Publications/فـاعليـة تصميم تعليمي لإنتاج برنامج قائـم على الـويــب وأثــره على التحصيــل والدافعية للتعلم لـدى طـلاب تكنولـوجيا التعليم

Dr. Basma Ibrahim Eldesoky Mohamady Mohamed :: Publications:

فـاعليـة تصميم تعليمي لإنتاج برنامج قائـم على الـويــب وأثــره على التحصيــل والدافعية للتعلم لـدى طـلاب تكنولـوجيا التعليم
Authors: بسمة ابراهيم الدسوقى
Year: 2010
Keywords: تصميم تعليمي برنامج قائـم على الـويــب
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Basma Ibrahim Eldesoky Mohamady Mohamed_basma.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present study problem was the identification of an instructional method for the third year students at Educational Technology Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Benha University for studying the Databases Course. It also aimed at benefitting from the existing programs on the web in the educational process so as to overcome the difficulties facing students in the traditional methods and to improve their attitude towards it. Therefore, the present study tried to develop the students’ achievement level and learning motivation. The study problem was crystallized in the following main question: - What is the effectiveness of an instructional design for producing a web-based program and its effect on the educational technology students’ achievement level and motivation?

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