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Dr. Basant Mohamed Nageeb Shafeeq :: Publications:

Effect of dietary pomegranate peel powder on productive traits, blood chemistry, economic efficiency and the expression of FSHR and LH‑β genes in two strains of laying Japanese quail
Authors: Eman Ramadan Kamel ; Basant Mohamed Shafik ; Maha Mamdouh ; Shimaa Elrafaay ; Fathy Attia Ismaiel Abdelfattah.
Year: 2021
Keywords: Keywords Quail · Pomegranate peel · Egg production · Gene expression · Blood parameters · Economic evaluation
Journal: Tropical Animal Health and Production
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1-11
Publisher: Springer Nature
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
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The current experiment was designed to study the response of two strains of laying Japanese quail to diet containing different levels (0%, 3%, 6%, and 9%) of pomegranate peel (PP) powder for a period of 6 weeks, on egg production, blood chemistry, carcass traits, expression of FSHR and LH-β genes, and economic efficiency. A total of 576 6-week-old Japanese quails were made up of two strains: white quails (n=288) and brown quails (n=288). Four treatment groups were randomly distributed for each strain. Each group was subdivided into 6 replicates of 10 birds each. Results revealed that the white strain showed significant (P

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