The study aimed to analyze the challenges and evaluate current policies for inclusive growth in Egypt, and measuring its impact on achieving inclusive growth during the period (2000-2021), in order to build an integrated framework for the requirements of facing the challenges and policies of achieving inclusive growth in Egypt in light of the conclusion and results of the study. To achieve this goal, the study was based on three hypotheses, which are that there is a non-inclusive trend for growth as a result of the economic, social and political challenges facing the Egyptian economy, there is also a positive and significant impact in the long term for the different current policies (fiscal policy - monetary policy - trade policy - human capital development policy - employment policy - agricultural development policy - good governance) on achieving inclusive growth in Egypt during the study period. Finally, building an integrated framework for the requirements for facing the challenges and policies of achieving inclusive growth in Egypt depends on analyzing the challenges on the one hand, and evaluating current policies for inclusive growth on the other hand.
To test these hypotheses, the study relied on the inductive approach (descriptive tool, and the analytical tool), in addition to use (Auto Regressive Distributed Lag Model).
At the analytical level, the study concluded that the Egyptian economy faces many challenges, in terms of economic challenges, the economic growth rate was characterized by weakness and unsustainability over the study period. It also became clear that the Egyptian economy suffers from insufficient financing resources, in addition to the presence of structural imbalances in the national economy, a high unemployment rate, a lack of job opportunities and low wages levels. As for the level of social challenges, it has become clear that the Egyptian economy suffers from increasing inequality in income distribution, increasing rates of poverty and social exclusion, in addition to declining human capital conditions. The political challenges facing achieving inclusive growth in Egypt are the absence of democracy, political instability, weak good governance, and high rates of corruption. In addition to non-participation of women and poor and marginalized groups in the political process.
And this means accepting the first hypothesis of the study.
At the econometric level, the study also concluded that all The current policies, except the agricultural development policy, didn’t have any significant impact or effective role on achieving inclusive growth in Egypt, in the long term.
And this means rejecting the second hypothesis of the study.
In light of this, the study built an integrated framework for the requirements of facing the challenges and policies for achieving inclusive growth in Egypt, which means accepting the third hypothesis of the study. Finally, the study suggested some future studies.