Background: Cartoon violence causes several behavioural, cognitive, and
psychological effects among primary school children especially during their early
developmental years. Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess the correlation between
cartoon violence, aggressive behavior and psychological well-being among primary school
children. Research question: What is the correlation between cartoon violence, aggressive
behavior and psychological well-being among primary school children?. Design: A
descriptive correlational research design was utilized in this study. Setting: This study was
conducted at selected governmental primary schools in Benha city only at Qaliubiya
Government. Sample: A multistage random sample of (400) students was taken from the
previously mentioned setting by taken randomly one grade from selected schools then taken
all students from these grades. Tools: Tool (1): A structured Interviewing Questionnaire
Sheet, Tool (11): Attitude scale for children toward cartoon violence, Tool (111): Aggression
scale for children and Tool (V): The stirling children's wellbeing scale. Results: Findings
reflected that more than three quarters of the studied primary school children had a positive
attitude toward cartoon violence and more than half of them had severe level of aggression
while less than half of the studied children had low level of total psychological wellbeing.
Conclusion: There is a highly statistically significant negative correlation between mean
scores of total attitude toward cartoon violence, total psychological wellbeing and total
aggression among the studied primary school childern. Recommendation: Psychoeducational
program need to be organized by the government and professional organizations
for parents and guardians on the influence of media violence on children social behavior and
their psychological development. |