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Prof. Ebtisam Mohamed Abdel Aal :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
quality of life among elderly people with bronchial asthma in benha city Completed
home care of adolescent with type1 diabetes mellitus in rural areas at kalyobia governorate Completed
study of home care for older adult with catarctand their caregiver in benha city Completed
impact of counseling for hysterectomy women on improving their quality of life at benha city Completed
nutritional rehabilitation guidline for hemodialysis patient in benha city Completed
mother care for their infant with congental heart anomation Completed
nutritional practices among female students at secondary technical nursing schools a guideline to prevent improve iron deficiency anemia Completed
health practices among female university students regarding prevention of reproductive tract infection Completed
Caregivers’ Empowerment regarding Care of their Children with Thalassemia In Progress
Rehabilitation of the nutritional status of patients with renal failure in Banha city Completed
Effect of counseling for women who have had hysterectomy on improving their lifestyle Completed
Effect of counseling for women who have had hysterectomy on improving their lifestyle Completed
home care of adolescent with type1 diabetes mellitus in rural areas at kalyobia governorate Completed
Study of home care for older adults with cataract and their caregivers in benha city Completed
Quality of life among elderly people with bronchial asthma in benha city Completed
Maternal care towards preschool children with sleep disorders. Completed
Quality of life for elderly patients with glaucoma associated with diabetes in the city of Banha Completed
Occupational health risks among gas station workers Completed
Occupational health risks among bakery workers in Banha city Completed
Mothers' Knowledge and Practices regarding their Children with Acute Infective Conjunctivitis Completed
Quality of life of Elderly People with Peptic Ulcer in Benha City. Completed
Quality of life of Elderly People with Peptic Ulcer in Benha City. Completed
Quality of life of Elderly People with Peptic Ulcer in Benha City. Completed
On-the-job training for nurses regarding child care at Family Health Centers in Qalyubia Governorate Completed
Awareness of nursing students regarding palliative care for patients with renal failure Completed
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