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Prof. Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky :: Publications:

Mode of presentation and first line of management of non-recurrent urolithiasis in Kuwait
Authors: Not Available
Year: 2004
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: International Journal of Urology
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Pages: 963–968
Publisher: Wiley Online Library
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky_
Supplementary materials Not Available

Aims : To determine the incidence, mode of presentation, first line of management and composition of non-recurrent urolithiasis in Kuwait. Methods : Consecutive patients admitted between January 1999 and December 2002 with nonrecurrent urolithiasis were prospectively analyzed. Results : The average annual incidence of hospital admission for non-recurrent urolithiasis in Kuwait was 43.44 per 100 000 population, representing men and women (ratio, 9 : 1) with a median age of 41.91 years. Of the hospital admissions for non-recurrent urolithiasis, 57.2% of cases were acute. Overall, the most predominant symptom was flank pain, while the least common symptom was acute urinary retention. Ureteroscopic stone manipulation was the most common initial treatment modality in the present series, as it was utilized in 43.3% and 37.09% for patients admitted on elective and emergency basis, respectively. Of the calculi available for chemical analysis, 91% contained calcium, 73% contained calcium oxalate, 17% contained mixed calcium and 1% contained calcium phosphate. The composition of the rest of the stones were urate in 7%, struvite in 1% and cystine in 1%. Conclusions : Urolithiasis is a common disease in the Kuwait region that mainly presents with flank pain. Ureteroscopic calculus removal is the most common modality of treatment. The majority of the calculi seen in Kuwait contained calcium.

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