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Prof. Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky :: Publications:

Tension free vaginal tape versus Burch colposuspension for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence
Authors: Ehab El-Barky1, Ali El-Shazly2, Osama Abdul. El-Wahab3, Elijah O. Kehinde1, Adel Al-Hunayan1 & Khaleel A. Al-Awadi1
Year: 2005
Keywords: Burch colposuspension, Stress urinary incontinence, Tension free vaginal tape
Journal: International Urology and Nephrology
Volume: 37
Issue: 2
Pages: 277–281
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky_Tension_Free_Vaginal_Tape_Versus_Burch_C.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Introduction: Many surgical procedures have been proposed for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) but none of them has proved completely successful. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of tension free vaginal tape (TVT) with Burch colposuspension in the treatment of SIU. Patients and Methods: Fifty female patients, presenting with SUI were randomly divided into two equal groups. SUI was confirmed using urodynamic study in all patients. Group 1 (n ¼ 25) patients underwent Burch colposuspension while Group 2 (n ¼ 25) underwent TVT. Patients with high grade cystocele, previous surgical failure for SUI, uninhibited detrusor contraction during bladder filling on urodynamic study and incompetent internal sphincters were excluded from this study. A patient was declared cured of SUI, if 3–6 months after surgery she had no SUI. The procedure was judged to be a failure if 3–6 months after surgery, patient had SUI. Results: In group 1 patients, 72% were completely cured, 16% improved and 12% showed no improvement. In group 2 patients, 72% were completely cured, 20% improved and only 8% showed no improvement. There was no difference between the two groups in terms of cure rates. Operative time for TVT was significantly less compared to Burch. Postoperative pain was less in TVT than Burch. Return to normal activity was earlier in TVT compared to Burch group. Intra operative perforation of the urinary bladder occurred in 8% of patients in group 2. Urine retention occurred in 12% of patients in group 1 compared to 20% in group 2. This was successfully managed conservatively. De novo urgency developed in 12% in group I and 8% in group II and was successfully managed by medical treatment. Conclusion: The success rates of TVT and Burch colposuspension in the treatment of SUI in our experience are very similar. However, TVT is associated with less morbidity. We recommend TVT procedure for females with genuine SUI.

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