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Dr. Ehab Gamil Abdel Karim Abdel Rahman :: Publications:

Heart amulet of "Hor-Nakht" at the British Museum No. EA24767,
Authors: Ehab Gamil
Year: 2018
Keywords: The Book of the Dead - Chapter 30 - Heart Amulet - Hor-Nakht – Isis – Nephthys – Anubis - Scarab
Journal: Journal of the Faculty of Arts - University of Benha
Volume: 50
Issue: 1687-2525
Pages: pp. 84-111
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ehab Gamil Abdel Karim Abdel Rahman_Summary HEART.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The research aims to study the text of chapter (30-b) of the Book of the Dead on an unpublished heart amulet by the name "Hor Nakht" at the British Museum bearing No. EA24767, and the relationship of this chapter to amulets of the heart, and the purpose of depicting the text of this chapter on amulets of the heart.

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