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Dr. Ehab Mahrous Orabi :: Publications:

Laparoscopic Extended Hemicolectomy vs Laparoscopic Transverse Colectomy for Management of Mid-transverse Colon Cancer—Which is the Optimal Surgical Approach?
Authors: Abdelwahab S Almoregy1, Gamal Osman2, Mahmoud Sharafedeen3, Ahmed Z Alattar4, Ola A Harb5, Ehab M Oraby6
Year: 2021
Keywords: Hemicolectomy, Laparoscopic, Mid-transverse colon cancer, Transverse colectomy.
Journal: World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
Volume: 14
Issue: 3
Pages: 215-220
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD.
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ehab Mahrous Orabi_03- Lap vs open in mid transverse colon cancer.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Laparoscopic-assisted surgical approach performing either extended right or left hemicolectomy or performing only conservative approach by transverse colectomy could be considered as various management approaches of cancer of the transverse colon but a consensus of which technique is the best is still lacking. So the choice of surgical approach depends on the preference and experience of the operating surgeon. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare performing laparoscopic extended right or left hemicolectomy and performing transverse colectomy for management of transverse colon cancer located in the middle part of the transverse colon regarding surgical and oncological findings and patients’ outcomes to prove which surgical approach is the best. Patients and methods: We analyzed collected data of 120 patients with mid-transverse colon cancer. We divided them into two groups: the first group included 80 patients who were managed by right or left hemicolectomy and the second group included 40 patients who were managed by transverse colectomy. We evaluated operative, postoperative, and follow-up data of all included patients. Results: The length of specimens was longer in the hemicolectomy group than that in the transverse colectomy group (p = 0.007). The numbers of dissected lymph nodes were significantly higher in the hemicolectomy group than in the transverse colectomy group (p

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