It is our goal to determine if Doppler is involved in unexplained miscarriage by comparing the endometrial
thickness, uterine artery Doppler indices, and power Doppler assessment of the endometrial-sub endometrial vascularity
of the RPL group and control group. Doppler and power Doppler evaluations of the endometrial-sub endometrial
vascularity of fifty women with a history of two or more recurrent miscarriages were compared to fifty women who
served as controls. Findings: In comparison to the control group, participants in the research had substantially greater PI
and RI in the uterine artery (p0.001). There is no statistically significant difference between the recurrent abortion (study)
group and the control group in the power Doppler detection rate of sub endometrial vascularity (p .05). However, as
compared to the control group, the study group exhibits a statistically significant difference in good vascularity. While
75% of the control group had great vascularity, only 13% in study group had poor vascularity (24%) compared to 9.4% in
the control group. Therefore, it is possible that poor endometrial-sub-endometrial vascularity is the cause of unexplained
RPL and may be utilised as a risk factor for miscarriage on its own |