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Dr. El-Awady Attia :: Publications:

Product outsourcing policy for a sustainable flexible manufacturing system with reworking and green investment
Authors: Raj Kumar Bachar, Shaktipada Bhuniya, Santanu Kumar Ghosh, Ali AlArjani, Elawady Attia, Md Sharif Uddin, Biswajit Sarkar
Year: 2023
Keywords: flexible production; outsourcing; reworking; green investment; sustainability
Journal: Math. Biosci. Eng
Volume: 20
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1376-1401
Publisher: aimspress
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
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Production of defective products is a very general phenomenon. But backorder and short- ages occur due to this defective product, and it hampers the manufacturer’s reputation along with customer satisfaction. That is why, these outsourced products supply, a portion of required products for in-line production. This study develops a flexible production model that reworks repairable defec- tive products and outsources products to prevent backlogging. A percentage of total in-line production is defective products, which is random, and those defective products are repairable. A green invest- ment helps the reworking process, which has a direct impact on the market demand for products. A classical optimization solves the profit maximization model, and a numerical method proves the global optimal solutions. Sensitivity analysis, managerial insights, and discussions provide the highlights and decision-making strategies for the applicability of this model.

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