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Prof. Rasha Mohamed Moustafa El-Meihy :: Publications:

Microbiological and physicochemical evaluation of River Nile (Rosetta branch)
Authors: Amina E. Soliman; Rashed A. Zaghloul; Rasha M. El-Meihy; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; Hatem M. Ali
Year: 2018
Keywords: Rosetta branch, microbiological, physicochemical, River Nile
Journal: 4th International Conference on Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture (ICBAA), Benha University, Moshtohor and Hurghada, 4-7 April 2018, Egypt Biochemistry
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 217-226
Publisher: Benha university
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Rasha Mohamed Mostafa El-Meihy_18 Rosetta branch 2018.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study was carried out during period extended from January 2013 to December 2013 to evaluate the microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of Rosetta branch water, River Nile. The examination includes eight locations along Rosetta branch. Temperature values were ranged between 17.6 to 31.0ºC while, pH values ranged between 7.16 to 7.98 during four seasons. Moreover, turbidity values were ranged between 1.90 to 33.7 NTU during all seasons. Regarding dissolved oxygen (DO) value, the lowest (3.1 mg/l) and the highest (8.0 mg/l) values were recorded during autumn and winter, respectively. Moreover, the highest (26.6 mg/l) and the lowest (3.30 mg/l) values of biological oxygen demand (BOD) were recorded during winter and autumn, respectively. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) values were ranged between 7.4 to 42.6 mg/l which recorded during winter season. Additionally, ammonia values were ranged between 0.22 to 7.70 mg/l during all four seasons. Nitrite values ranged between 0.002 to 0.071 mg/l during all four seasons. The lowest nitrate value (0.10 mg/l) and the highest value (1.02 mg/l) were recorded during summer and winter, respectively. Respecting the monthly changes in microbial counts of Rosetta branch, average log no. of total coliform was ranged between 1.84 to 6.88 CFU/100ml, the highest log no. in most locations were recorded during July. While, average log no. of fecal coliform was ranged between 1.30 to 6.5 CFU/100ml during all months. Moreover, the highest counts of log no. was (5.96 CFU/100ml) and the lowest log no. was (0.30 CFU/100ml) of E. coli were recorded during August. Additionally, the highest log no. of fecal streptococci (4.85 CFU/100ml) was recorded during July.

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