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Dr. Emad Mohammed Mohammed youssef masoud :: Publications:

Enhanced properties of Gamma irradiated nano spinels containing cobalt and alumnium ions
Authors: Emad M. Masoud*, Eman S. Abdelazeem
Year: 2018
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Ionics
Volume: DOI 10.1007/s11581-018-2676-2
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Emad Mohammed Mohammed youssef masoud_Enhanced properties of gamma irradiated.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Unirradiated and irradiated nano spinels (CoCo0.5Al1.5O4, Co3O4) were prepared. All investigated samples were characterized using different techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, thermal gravimetric analysis (TG), and transmission electron microscope (TEM). XRD and FTIR analyses confirmed the formation of spinel structure in addition to the effect of gamma radiation on the crystalline structure of unirradiated nano spinels. TG analysis showed that the irradiated nano spinels have more thermal stability than unirradiated ones. As an obvious effect of gamma radiation on structure, the irradiated nano spinel sample showed a different particle morphology compared to the unirradiated one. An obvious enhancement of both electrical and magnetic properties was observed for the irradiated nano spinel samples. The irradiated nano spinel sample of cobalt oxide (Co3O4) showed the highest AC conductivity value (2.16 × 10−7 Ω−1 cm−1, at roomtemperature). In contrast, the irradiated nano spinel sample of cobalt aluminate (CoCo0.5Al1.5O4) showed the highest saturation magnetization (Ms) value (2.12 emu g −1, at room temperature). All results were collected and discussed.

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