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Assist. Eman Abdel Wahab Ahmed :: Publications:

1 Effect of Structured Teaching Guidelines on Nursing Students’ Awareness regarding Computer Vision Syndrome
Authors: Eman Abdelwahab Ahmed habeeb1, Marwa Moustafa Ragheb2, Safaa Mohamed Hamed 3,Watanya Kamel Atya4
Year: 2024
Keywords: Structured Teaching Guidelines, Nursing Students’ Awareness, Computer Vision Syndrome
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Eman Abdelwahab Ahmed habeeb1
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Abdel Wahab Ahmed_paper master .doc .pdf
Supplementary materials Eman Abdel Wahab Ahmed_paper master .doc .pdf

These days, using a computer or other visual display device is almost a need. Consequently, a great deal of people worldwide experiences a range of visual symptoms, such as dry eyes, ocular strain, ocular irritation, and ocular redness. Computer vision syndrome is the term used to describe all of these visual abnormalities. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the effect of structured teaching guidelines on nursing students’ awareness regarding computer vision syndrome. Design: Quasi experimental research design was used to conduct the aim of this study. Setting: This study setting will be conducted in faculty of nursing, Benha University, Qalyubia governorate, Egypt. Sample: Convenience sample of second year students (303) from both sexes in the previously mentioned settings during the time of data collection and agree to participate in this study. Tools: Two tools were used; (1) Structured interview questionnaire it involved the Part one student's personal data, Part Two: This part concerned with assessment of students’ knowledge regarding computer vision syndrome Part three: - Presence of symptoms after using computer (2) Likert’s scale as measures of level of awareness about CVS. Results: Regarding awareness level about CVS, improved from 33.26 ± 10.31pre guidelines implementation to 36.81± 11.23 post guidelines implementation. In addition, there were highly statistical differences between their mean scores pre guidelines implementation as compared to post guidelines implementation (p=

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