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Prof. Eman Mokhtar Ali Abou El Ghait :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2013
1-Traveling to U.S.A from July to October1990 and from June to August 1991 for Tourism and I Had Visited the Nurseries, Green House, Open Areas for Flowers and Green Leaves Production
Scientific Activities of 1990
2-Traveling to U.S.A from July to October1990 and from June to August 1991 for Tourism and I Had Visited the Nurseries, Green House, Open Areas for Flowers and Green Leaves Production
Scientific Activities of 15
3-Spent 10 Days from 15 till 29 June 1997 in Italy (university of Bologna)with Dr. Chiosuli For Supervision on Student Studied Landscape of Kinder Gardens For Children from3-6 years old.
4-Spent 10 Days from 15 till 29 June 1997 in Italy (university of Bologna)with Dr. Chiosuli For Supervision on Student Studied Landscape of Kinder Gardens For Children from3-6 years old
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