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Prof. Eman Osman Hassan Ali :: Publications:

Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Milky Mushroom Calocybe indica Mutants
Authors: Abou-Elftouh, M. A., Eman, O. Hassan, Bekhit, M. M. M. and Hassan, A. M.
Year: 2017
Keywords: Mushroom, ISSR, DNA Fingerprinting.
Journal: Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research
Volume: 5
Issue: 4
Pages: 739-751
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Osman Hassan Ali_739-751-MEJAR.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Milky mushroom, Calocybe indica which is considered as the third most popular and ommercially grown mushroom in Asia is the result of huge revolution in the mushroom technology recent years with respect to types and strains of cultivated mushrooms. Mutation was carried out by pplying gamma radiation with different doses (10,250,500,750 and1000gray) on C. indica mycelia own on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Post radiation observation on the mushroom morphology was etected. When measured 14 days after irradiation, strain 2 take less time to complete mycelia growth nd mycelial growth of cultures treated with low dose (10 gray) was faster than that of unirradiated ultures. High doses (250, 500, 750, 1000 gray) inhibited mycelial growth significantly. As radiation ose increased over 250 gray, the growth parameter gradually decreased to reach a minimum at 1000 ay. Color and odor were not changed by irradiation. Mutants showed wide range of variability. In e present study, inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) assays were used to identify DNA olymorphism among the mutant strains of C. indica, to identify DNA polymorphism among the utants and non-treated (0.0gray) samples through ISSR assay, a total of 10 random primers were creened, ISSR analysis showed high degree of variation yielding 58 bands including 40 polymorphic ands (39 shared and one unique band with molecular size 1050 pb in ST.1 by the dose 1000 gy). hese findings indicated a medium level of genetic diversity among the studied C. indica strains and eir mutants. The cluster analysis revealed three main clusters ,Cluster I consisted of only fourteen enotypes, cluster II consisted of three genotypes (CI-1.1000gy , CI-2.0gy and CI-2.10gy) while enotype CI-1(500gy) revealed a completely different banding profile with all 10 selected primers nd stood quite distinct from other genotypes in the final cluster .This study indicated that strains of indica and their mutants show abundant diversity in morphological and genetic diversity, and that NA polymorphism detected by ISSR analysis offered a useful molecular marker for the entification of mutants in gamma radiation-treated mushroom .

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