The research aimed to estimate economic indicators to identify the agriculture price policies that followed by the
government in production and consumption. The results showed that the net return of broad beans reached
2,962.55 EGP per acre over the period (2005-2020), which is about 55.7% less than its calculated in economic
value, thus farmers bear an implicit tax. Besides the nominal protection factor for the production amounted about
0.69, which indicates that producers bear implicit taxes representing about 31% as a result of not obtaining the
real prices of their production. The coefficient of comparative advantage reached 73%, which indicates the
existence of a comparative advantage for Egypt in the production of the crop. The study of prediction models
showed that the food gap of the crop is expected to reach 692.67 thousand tons in 2021, and about 815.53
thousand tons in 2025, with an increase of about 4.63% and 23.19%, respectively, over their two counterparts in
2020. |