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Dr. Eman Kamal Fotouh :: Publications:

Expression Pattern of DMRT1 and STRA8 Genes During Postnatal Development of Rabbit Testes
Authors: Eman K. Khalil, Mohamed A. Metwally, Anwar A. El-Shafey and Eman A. Eshra
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Kamal Fotouh_eman2020.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Thirty New Zealand rabbits of various ages were used for this investigation. DMRT1 and STRA8 genes expression was recorded by RT PCR, completed by histological sections of testes in studied ages. DMRT1 and STRA8 genes have distinct roles during spermatogenesis in mammals. The present study hypothesized that the change in the level of specific genes expression during spermatogenesis could be related to the change in the complement of germ cell types. Distinct expression patterns were observed for DMRT1 reached the maximum level (peak or plateau) just before spermatogenesis process at age of 6.5th week and testicular STRA8 reached the maximum level at 6 months. The two genes expression patterns are consistent with their specific roles during spermatogenesis. The pur

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