Distu rbances of growt h are character istic f eatu res of arthrit is in children ,
Anthropomet ery appears to be of greatest value as it detects deviations f rom the u sual pat tern characterist ic of
the growt h period .
This work aimed to ident if y the pat tern s of growth among children wit h JRA part icu larly the segmental growth , and to compare the growt h of the pat ients group with tha t of the control group and the standard .
To ach ieve t h is a im , a cro ss sect ion a l st u dy wa s carried out - --•-•-- --•-- _, . nts wit-h -JRA ( 27 f ema les and 13 ma les ) ranged in age .between three ye_a.z::s _a,nd one month to
eighteen ye rs _ h a mean age of 11.85 yea rs 4Jld 30 healthy individ ua ls as a control group ( 19 f ema les and 11
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