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Dr. Eman Ragab El-Sayed Qandeel :: Publications:

The effectiveness of a training program for mothers based on immitation strategy for improving their children's case
Authors: Elkholy,H.A. ; Qandeel,E.R..; Saleh,G.H..
Year: 2014
Keywords: special education; autism; imitation; mothers; strategy
Journal: Benha Faculty of Education journal
Volume: 25
Issue: 98
Pages: 245-267
Publisher: benha faculty of education journal
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Ragab El-Sayed Qandeel_the file.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

ABSTRACT The current study goal is to provide a training program for mothers of children with autism based on reciprocal imitation strategy to develop imitation skills in children. It may be reflected in its impact on improving children with autism status and to provide training services to mothers of children with autism. The current study gains its importance from its sample and from its experimental educational content, children with autism suffer from impairment in imitation skills that considered to be of the prominent diagnostic determinants of autism, that hider more complex behaviors of communication and socialization. Thus those children in need to develop imitation skills reflected in its impact on improving children with autism status and provide mothers of children with autism with training services. The current study based on some training sessions to improve imitation skills in a sample (5) male children with autism and their mothers. The current study used the following tools Behavioral manifestations inventory, Observation imitation skills inventory, Observation inventory for mothers , and The training program for mothers of children with autism. The main findings showed that there is significant statistically difference (05,0) between the mean ranks of pre and post scales for children with autism on observation imitation skills inventory in favor of post scale. and that there is a significant statistically difference between the mean ranks of pre and post scales for children with autism on observation inventory for mothers in favor of post scaleThe current study based on some training sessions to improve imitation skills in a sample (5) male children with autism and their mothers. The current study used the following tools Behavioral manifestations inventory, Observation imitation skills inventory, Observation inventory for mothers , and The training program for mothers of children with autism. The main findings showed that there is significant statistically difference (05,0) between the mean ranks of pre and post scales for children with autism on observation imitation skills inventory in favor of post scale. and that there is a significant statistically difference between the mean ranks of pre and post scales for children with autism on observation inventory for mothers in favor of post scale.

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