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Dr. Eman Ragab El-Sayed Qandeel :: Publications:

A comparative study of emotional intelligence level among a sample of disordered and non-disordered female university students
Authors: S.A.Elqattan; S.M.Mohammed;ERES.Qandeel;A.A.Rasheed
Year: 2013
Keywords: emotional intelligence; eating disorders;female university students
Journal: Benha Faculty of Education journal
Volume: 24
Issue: 94
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Benha Faculty of Education journal
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Ragab El-Sayed Qandeel_the file 2.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract: The current study aimed to discover the possible differences on the emotional intelligence level (variables and the total degree) in a sample of female college adolescents with and without eating disorders. A sample consisted of (135) participated in the first stage from the faculty of Education, Arts, Law, Commerce, at Qalubia Governorate with mean age (18.4) years and SD (7.24). The researcher conducted the following scales: Emotional Intelligence Scale (Prepared By, Samia Saber, 2011), Eating Disorders Scale (Prepared By, Samia Saber, 2010). The findings showed that there is a significant statistically difference in emotional intelligence level between college students with and without eating disorders in favor of without eating disorders Participants.

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