Twelve promising varieties of groundnut (Arachis
hypoqaea L.) were evaluated for stability of performance
for pod yield over nm environments in Egypt. Highly signif j-
cant coefficient was detected for genotype and genotye
x environment interaction. Significant bi values were
obtained for all genotypes and the slope of the regression
lines did not deviate significantly from unity in the varie
ties L 404, L 447, NA 128, NA 219, NA 297 and NA 299.
The deviation from regression mean sqars (S’ di) were
significant for NA 128, NA 219, NA 242 and Giza 4. The
highest yielding genotypes were, L 447, NA 268, Giza 4
and L 262. The variety L 447 had average stability and
high level of performance for pod yield and hence it seemed
to be an ideal variety in the material under study.