Wheat is one of the most important strategic crops in terms of food security. Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient being required by plants in relatively large amounts. The availability of phosphorus in soils is affected by several factors such as the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. Higher soil organic matter concentrations have been proved to enhance the yield and yield components of cereals. The present study, therefore, aims at studying the effect of adding phosphorus and farmyard manure as a source of organic matter on the yield of wheat plants grown under sandy soils conditions. To fulfill the objective of the study a field experiment was conducted at Balouza station in North Sinai, Desert Land Research Center, in the winter season 2018-2019. The design of the experiment was a factorial randomized complete block design with two factors in three replicates. The experimental site was divided into two main plots. Each main plot was divided into three subplots. Organic manure was added to the first half of the main plots at a rate of 25 kg/plot, O1 (25 ton/ hectare) and at a rate of 50 kg/plot O2 (50 ton/hectare) to the other half. Superphosphate was added at three rates i.e P1 = 840 kg/hectare superphosphate fertilizer (6.8 % P). as soil application; P2= 630 kg/hectare superphosphate fertilizer as soil application + 210 kg/hectare superphosphate fertilizer as foliar application and P3 = 420 kg/hectare superphosphate fertilizer as soil application + 420 kg/hectare superphosphate fertilizer as foliar application. Each treatment was replicated three times. The foliar application was done as the supernatant of soaked superphosphate fertilizer.
Wheat grains (cv. Giza 168) was cultivated in 23 November 2018. Irrigation was done with Al-Salam Canal water. At maturity (9/5/2019) wheat plants were harvested and separated into grains and straw. The grain yield and the straw yield was recorded. Subsamples of wheat straw and grains were ground. A 0.5 gram samples was digested using a mixture of sulphuric and perchloric acids (1:1 v/v). Digests were diluted with distilled water up to a 100 ml and analyzed for N, P and K concentration. The obtained results could be summarized as follows: There was a significant difference in grain yield due to the application of organic manure at increased rate from O1 to O2. Also, a significant difference in grain yield occurred due to the application of P fertilizer at increased rate from P1 to P3, and the rate P2 gave the highest increase. The interaction effect between the organic manure rate and P fertilizer rate was significant, where a significant difference in grain yield occurred between P2 application and the grain yield obtained due the application of P1 and P3 under the application of organic manure at the rate O1. Under the application of organic manure at the rate O2 significant difference in wheat grain yield occurred between P1,P2 and P3 , however, the highest grain yield was obtained under the application of P at the rate P2 with the application of the organic manure at the rate O2.
There was a significant difference in straw yield obtained under the application of organic manure at increased and the highest straw yield was obtained at the rate O2. On the other hand, application of P fertilizer at increased rate significantly increased straw yield from P1application up to P2 application. However, increasing P application from P2 up to P3 decreased wheat straw yield. There was a significant interaction between the organic manure and P fertilizer on the straw yield of wheat, where a significant difference occurred between the straw yield obtained due to the application of P at increased rate from P1 up to P3 under the application of organic manure at the rates O1(25 ton/hectare) and O2 (50 ton/hectare). However the highest straw yield was obtained under the application of P fertilizer at the rate P2 and the application of organic manure at the rate O2.
Application of P fertilizer at increased rate under the application of organic manure at increased rate, increased the concentration of N, P and K in both of the straw and grains of wheat plants and the highest increase was obtained under the application of P fertilizer at the rate P2 and the application of organic manure at the rate O2.