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Ass. Lect. Ahmed Ezzat Abdel Hamid Al Maraghy :: Publications:

The effect of functional strength training using unstable surfaces on some physical and skill variables For Junior Wrestling
Authors: Ahmed Elmaraghy
Year: 2021
Keywords: strength; functional; wrestling
Volume: 26
Issue: 11
Pages: 27
Publisher: Benha university
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Ezzat Abdel Hamid Al Maraghy_research ezzat.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Introduction and research problem: The training process has taken great steps towards progress in our modern era, so that it became suitable for the players and the coach became constantly following up on everything new in the field of training in order to be able to provide the best and best thing in this field and raise the level and performance of his players. Essam Abdel-Khaleq (2003) mentions that the methods of sports training are among the methods necessary to implement the training program to develop the training state of the player with a behavior that is the closest to achieving the required, and it is known as the mastered system planned for the positive interaction between the coach and the player to walk on the road leading to the goal of the sports training process. The development of functional strength is one of the basic components that must be developed through standardized functional training programs. It is a combination of strength training with balance training, and it is no less important than the muscular capacity that mixes strength training with speed. This is confirmed by Vom Hofe (2001) that muscular strength and balance are key elements of functional training. The integration between muscle strength and movement speed results in muscle capacity or force characterized by velocity, while the integration between muscle strength and balance results in functional strength.

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