Experiments were conducted in Moshtohor Research during 1992 and 1993 seasons to assess four NP intercontinental treatments (N(mP. N1P1 ‘W kg N + 1.5 kg P N2P2 “60 kg N + 7kg r and N3P1 “90 kg N + IO. kg P’/fad ) applied in soil. aiid lise micronutricnt reatnicnis (0. 72 g Fe. 60 g Mn, 48 g Zn and 18 g CiLIfad ) spracd in chelated forms dissolved in 600 1./fad Maciomitrients (N+P) increased plant height. fresh and dr scighi of plant organs. number of slcuismni2 and green and dis forage yields in the Ist and 2 cias Thc highest alucs rcsulted from (NP) All positive cOEcels were
reflected in increased tolal forage icId of up to 66% green and 67% dr’s forage
All parameters of gross ib or yield s’s’ere incrcascd b’s up to 24% b’s Zn
application Forage teEd and soute growth parameters s’scrc uiicicased in some
cases b 14% duc to Fc application and 15% duc w Mii No response occurred
to Cu application
There were cases of interaction when Fc or Mn sliossed response only un
presence of high levels of NP The practical iuiiplicaticiut refers the uiccesslly lo
appI Zn under all conditions of macronulricnts. and Fc or Mn olils where high
levels macronulrienis arc applمcd Viih no need for Cu application hi all cases.
consideraitoim slmuuld be gis en to the actual av:nlahle contents of nutrients in tite
soil itself