You are in:Home/Publications/Effect of some polluted metals on the activity and kinetics of immobilized glucose isomerase (Sweetzyme type- T )from Streptomyces murinus. Annals of Agric.Sci. Moshtohor,38(4):2217-2228.

Prof. Frahat Foda Ali Foda :: Publications:

Effect of some polluted metals on the activity and kinetics of immobilized glucose isomerase (Sweetzyme type- T )from Streptomyces murinus. Annals of Agric.Sci. Moshtohor,38(4):2217-2228.
Authors: Foda,F.F.A. and Abd El-Rahman, A.A.A.
Year: 2000
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Frahat Foda Ali Foda _effect of 2000.pdf
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EFFECT OF SOME POLLUTED METALS ON THE ACTIVITY AND KINETICS OF IMMOBILIZED GLUCOSE ISOMERASE (SWEETZYME TYPE-T) FROM Streptomyces murinus. BY Foda, F.F. and Abd EI-Rahman, A.ئ Dept. of Agric. Biochem., Fac. of Agric., Moshrohor. Zagazig Univ. Banha Branch ABSTRACT The effect of sodium (N&), potassium (K) and manganese (Mn) ions on the reaction activity of immobilized glucose isomerase (Sweetzyme type-T) indicated that these ions act as activators in the reaction mixture. The reaction activity was stimulated with increasing the above ions concentration up to 004M in the presence of (O . 0 1 M) Mg ions. The percentage increment of activity were 95.31%., 8648% and 115.21% relative to control at concentration 004M of Na, K and MiC ions. respectively. However, the results indicated that Cu, Hg, Ca and t ions act as inhibitors in the reaction media. The sweetzyme type-T lost 98.22%, 98.3 1, 99.91% and 96.24 of its activity after the addition ofO.7 M of Ca, FC , Cu and Hg4 ions, respectively. Reaction kinetics of immobilized glucose isomerase enzyme (sweetzyme type-T) was found to be greatly affected by Cue, Hg, and M& ions. The maximum reaction velocity (V) of the enzyme was decreased from 63.89 mM/L/min (in (he optimum condition ofthe enzyme) to 099 and 0.47 m.MIL/min for Cu ions and to 7.33 and 4.67 mM/L/mىn for Hg ions at concentration of 0.01 and 0.04 M, respectively. On the other hand, the maximum reaction velocity of this enzyme was increased from 63.89 inM/L/min to 1 19.06 and 137.5 inMIL/min hi presence of 0.01 and 0.04 M of Mn ions, respectively and to 102.78 and 127.9 mMJL/min in the absence ofO.O1M Mg ions under the above concentrations of MiC, respectively. Michaelis constant (Km 0.37mM) was constant in reactions with different concentrations in absence and presence of metal ions. The results showed that noncompetitive type of inhibition occurred in all cases. .

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