In Ovo Technology and Newcastle Disease Resistance in Japanese Quail
T.E’Ezzat, F.F.A112; M.K.Shabana2, and A.M. Abu-Taleb’
I-Applied Biological Department, Nuclear Research Center at the Atomic Energy Authority.
2-Soils and Agricultura! Chemistry Department, Faculty OfAgriculture, Moshtohor, Zagazig
(Received 21/8/2000) (Accepted 2/12/2000)
A total number of 1600 fertile eggs from Japanese quail birds were used in
this study. The eggs were divided into eight groups then incubated. NDV and vitE
were administered to the groups of eggs in Ovo Injection at day 14 from
incubation. Hatchability, body weight, egg production and modality were
recorded weekly for each group. Five blood samples were collected weekly from
each group to measure total serum proteins, albumin, globulin, T3, T4 rind HI
titre. The results of this work revealed an increase in total serum proteins,
globulin, and a decrease in T3, T4 and albumin values ofthe in Ovo vaccinating
groups. Also HI titre recorded higher values due to Ovo vaccination alone or
combined with vit. E. It was noticed that the group injected by inactive vaccine
plus vit.E registered high increases in hatchability, body weight and egg
production beside a decrease in modality.
Key Words: In Ovo Technology /Immunity /Blood Parameters /Japanese Quail |