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Dr. Fathy Attia Ismaiel Abdelfattah :: Publications:

Carcass Characteristics and Meat Chemical Composition of Japanese Quails Fed Diet Supplemented With Dietary Enzyme
Authors: Kamelia M. Zahran, Nasser E. khedr, Tahia E. Ahmed, FathyA. Esmaeil and Ahmed E. Shehab
Year: 2012
Keywords: Japanese quails; carcass characteristics; dietary enzyme
Journal: International Journal of Applied Poultry Research
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 43-46
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fathy Attia Ismaiel Abdelfattah_1-2012-quail 2.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

To evaluate the effects of dietary enzyme supplementation on carcass characteristics and chemical composition of meat of Japanese quails, a total of two hundred forty healthy Japanese quails of mixed sexes were arranged into four dietary treatments. The first group of chick was considered as control group and fed the basal diet without supplementation of dietary enzyme. Second group was fed basal diet supplemented with 0.5g Kemzyme plus dry®/kg diet. Third group was fed basal diet supplemented with 0.1g phytase/kg diet. Fourth group was fed basal diet supplemented with Kemzyme® plus phytase. Carcass characteristics in term of dressing percentage, breast yield percentage, gizzard, spleen, liver and heart weight percentages of carcass weight were not affected significantly by dietary enzyme supplementation, but addition of enzyme increase significantly (P

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