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Dr. Fatma Ibrahim Abdallah ElHofy :: Publications:

Molecular detection of some virulence genes of S. aureus isolated from mastitic Cows by PCR.
Authors: Ashraf A. Abdel-Tawab; Ahmed A.A. Maarouf ; Fatma I. El-Hofy; Sameh A.H. Abbas
Year: 2016
Keywords: Mastitis, S. aureus, PCR, virulence genes
Journal: BVMJ
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Pages: 238-245
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fatma Ibrahim Abdallah ElHofy_26.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this study a total of 1200 quarter milk samples were selected from 300 cows at different localities of El-Kaliobia Governorate were examined bacteriologically and revealed that 57 S.aureus isolated from both clinical and subclinical mastitis with incidence of 45.6% of total isolates. Molecular typing of S. aureus by PCR revealed that all isolates (100%) (12 random S.aureus isolates) were positive for the 16 SrRNA genes of S. aureus. Genotyping of virulence genes encoding factors of S. aureus revealed that two isolates were positive for (tst-1) gene (16.7%), three isolates positive for (etb) 25%, nine isolates positive for each of (icaD and femA) genes (75%), seven isolates positive for (hlg) (58.3%), eight isolates positive for (nuc) (66.7%).

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