Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) computing is a new method
of simulating the bimolecular structure of DNA and
computing by means of molecular biology. DNA
cryptography is a new field which has been explored
worldwide. The concept of using DNA computing in the
fields of cryptography and steganography has been identified
as a possible technology, which may bring forward a new
hope for unbreakable algorithms. This paper proposed a new
DNA cryptographic algorithm which used the key features of
DNA and amino acid coding to overcome limitations of the
classical One Time Pad (OTP) cipher. A significant feature of
the proposed algorithm is that; it is considered an encryption
and hiding algorithm at the same time. The proposed
algorithm also enhances the security level of OTP cipher. An
evaluation for the proposed algorithm is performed according
to randomness testing by using the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) test. The study showed that
the proposed algorithm had better performance with respect to
time, capacity and robustness compared to previous studies |