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Assist. Fatma Gawish :: Publications:

On Discussion of Fractional Linear Integro Partial Differential Equation with Evolution Kernel Using Modified Bielecki Method and its Numerical Solution
Authors: M. A. Abdou; A. A. Soliman; M. H. Abdalla; G. A. Mosa; F. A. Gawish
Year: 2020
Keywords: : Fractional linear integro partial differential equation (FLIPDE), Caputo derivative, Riemann integral, Modified Bielecki method, Laplace homotopy perturbation method (LHPM).
Journal: Conference: 2nd Scientific Conference of Faculty of Science, Benha University "APPLIED SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fatma Gawish_On Discussion of Fractional Linear Integro Partial Differential Equation with Evolution Kernel Using Modified Bielecki Method and its Numerical Solution.pdf
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The devote of this paper is discussing the existence and uniqueness of fractional linear integro partial differential equation with evolution kernel of heat type due to modified Bielecki method. In addition, Laplace homotopy perturbation method is used to obtain the numerical solutions in the space C_E (E×[0,T]). Therefore, we estimate the error in different cases of α.

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