In this study the effect of some plant oils. namely linseed, soybean.
sunflower seed. corn and cotton seed oils in addition to the insecticide actellic.
on egg oviposition. hatchability. infestation and weight loss of pea seeds.
attacked by cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus macu/atus F.) was iiivestigated.
Results showed that all tested oils, at the rate of 8 ml/kg. gave
mortalities between 520-79_2% and 100% for actellic. after an exposure period
of 72 hr.
All oils and actellic significantly reduced oviposition and egg
hatchability of C. ,naculatus at all concentrations (2. 4 and 8 mI/kg). At 8 ml/kg
the infestation rate of pea seeds was 0.0% after one month for the oils and
actellic, compared with 9% for untreated seeds.
After 5 months the infestation was nih in the case of linseed, corn oils
and actellic, but it was 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 and 57.3% for soybean. sunflower, cotton
seed oils, and untreated seeds. respectively.
Results revealed also that. actellic protected pea seeds from infestation
and weight loss by the cowpea weevil (C ,naculaius) for at least 8 months, the
oils al the rate of 8 ml/kg protected the seeds for at least 5 months. whereby the
infestation rate was between 0-1% and the weight loss I. 1-2.1%.
After 8 months storage period the infestation rate of sccds treated with 8
ml/kg oils was between 0.7-17% and was significantI lower than of the
untreated seeds (77%). Similar result was found for weight loss of seeds treated
with the oils.