Ten agronomic and fiber Properties were studied for. heteroses and inbreeding depression in six cotton parente and their hybrids. Two parents Giza 45 and Giza 70 belong to the extra—long group. The other four, viz, “Gira 66,Giza, 67, Giza 69 and Giza 75” are long—staple cultivare.
In 1983 the six parents, their F118 and F2s were grown in a randomized complete block design with six replications at Sakha Experimental Station. Results showed significant NP heterosis for seedcotton yield, hair weight and mean length. However, useful heteroeje was significant for seed— cotton only. Positive but insignificant useful heterosig was detected for hair weight and mean length. Whilst, the remaining traits showed no useful heterotic effects. Although, most of the hybrids showed heterotic effects over their mid—parent (NP), few only exhibited useful heterosis. As for seedcotton yield hybrids reflecting useful heterosjs were those having either Giza 7 or Giza 70 in their pedigrees. Inbreeding depres,on was trivial for most of the traits. Exception from that. as the mean length character which showed highly significant inbreeding depression. |