Two field experiments were carried out at Sids Agriculture Research Station,
dLumg 2005 and 2006 scasoon, to study the dîee* of twe planting dates 15a March and
l5 April and three ucatmaus of potassnin fcrtibcr 1.24 kg K20led as sod application,
U. 24 kg K2Oئcd as soil application + 2,4 kg K20/fcd as foliar spraying at fIouing
stage, IlL 2.4 kg KCd qwaying al squaring + 2.4 kg Kid foliar spraying
flowering stage, on yield and yield components olGiza 80 cotton cuhivar.
Rcsults rcvealod that thc early planting dic (I S March) signifIcantly increased
boil weight, seed index aIEI lint percentage in the second season. Viiilc ,iumlxr of open
bolls4ilant in the first season and scud cotton yicld4’oddan ،n the twe sciaciin ue
significantly increased by late planting dic cm (iSa April). On the other hand, number of
frinwig banches/plant, scud cotton yicl&piant and curliness % showed insigiuficani
Poasium fcstiIi significasitly affected number of fruiting bnnchcsfpbnc in
the first season, no. of open bells/pLant, in the second season. Whilc, seed cotton
yield/plant, caiincss % aid lint % ‘*erc umignificantly affected Howe’iu, seed cotton
yield/fed as significantly affected by potassium fcsiihzu in both seasons.
The interaction between plaiting date and potassium futilizu treatments
sigsuficaotly affected the number of fruiting branches/plant and carluicas in the fut
sumes,. However, boll weight, aced cotton yicid/fod and seed index c significantly
affected in both seasons. While no. of open boils/plant and lint percentage e
sigrufic.antly affected only in 2006 season,
Key Words: G, berôadrnse, L, planting dato, potaaiuiu fertilizer, yield coniponctus.