Two field experiments were carried out during 1979 and 1980 seasons at the Research and Experimental Station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, to study the effect of planting methods and some weed control treatments on soybean plants. The results indicated that heraty method was the best in all characters studied, i.e., no. of pods? plant, weight of pods/plant, seed index, seed yield, biologi cal yield, protein as well as oil yield/fed. weed control treatments increased to different extents the no. of branches/plant no. of pods/plant, weight of pods/plant, seed yield/plant, seed index, seed and biological yield, protein and oil yield and no. of plants/fed. The interaction between planting methods and weed control treatments showed significant effect on no. of branches/plant, seed yield/—plant, weight of 100 seeds, seed yield, biological yield
and no. of plants/fed. |