You are in:Home/Publications/Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Using Intelligent controller | |
Dr. Gamal Mohamed Abdelrahman Sarhan :: Publications: |
Title: | Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Using Intelligent controller |
Authors: | Ahmed A. Mahfouz, Gamal M. Sarhan, Abdel-Nasser A. Nafeh |
Year: | 2003 |
Keywords: | direct torque, induction motor, space vector modulator,fuzzy logic |
Journal: | MEPCON |
Volume: | Not Available |
Issue: | 2003 |
Pages: | 345-349 |
Publisher: | Not Available |
Local/International: | International |
Paper Link: | Not Available |
Full paper | Gamal mohamed abd elrahman sarahan_DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR.pdf |
Supplementary materials | Not Available |
Abstract: |
Abstract—The switching frequency of a conventional direct torque control (DTC) strategy which is based on hysteresis controllers results in a variable switching frequency which depends on the mechanical speed, flux, stator voltage, and the hysteresis band of the comparator. In this paper, a DTC scheme using Space vector modulator (SVM) and fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is suggested. A comparison with the classical DTC is presented. The suggested control strategy guarantees very good dynamic and steady state characteristics with low sampling rate and a constant switching frequency. The simulation results are presented to validate the scheme. |