Numerous of Cases of skin nodules eruptions tied to lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) are becoming more frequent in Qailubia Province, Egypt amongst cattle populations in 2014. In this study, a strain of LSDV (LSDV-Elkady-2014) associated with that outbreak was isolated from scabs of clinically infected Frisian cattle on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of specific pathogen free embryonated chicken eggs (SPF-ECEs). The isolate induced hemorrhage, enlarged liver, slight heart hypertrophy of chick embryos, with a pock lesion on CAM. Identification of LSDV-Elkady-2014 isolate was confirmed by histopathology, electron microscopy (EM), immunoflourescence (IF), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting LSDV envelope protein-like gene. Based on the partial sequence analysis of LSDV envelope protein-like gene. LSDV strain was phylogenetically related to LSDV- NI-2490, LSDV/ NW/LW, and LSDV/2/slemani/Kurdistan/ 2014. In conclusion, LSDV is still circulated in Egypt, and the isolated strain induced characteristic properties on chick embryos that were not previously recorded by LSDV.
The general objective of the pilot study was to study the biological and molecular characteristic of recent isolate of LSDV.
Trial for isolation and identification of LSDV was carried out using SPF-fertile ECE and MDBK cell line, which show new signs on inoculated egg, such as edema and hemorrhage, with hepatomegaly and bloody liver of embryo, hemorrhagic and slight heart hypertrophy in addition to pock lesion on CAM in the form of white line. Moreover cell rounding and clustering on MDBK cells. The presence of virus confirmed by non-serological techniques, such as TEM, where the virus appeared as rounded shape with inclusion bodies, histopathological examination, where intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies appeared, and hemagglutination technique where button shape appeared, serological technique, such as IFAT, where intracytoplasmic apple green fluorescence emission appered and molecular identification, such as conventional PCR, cycle sequencing, gene alignment and phylogenetic analysis of target gene confirmed the success isolation of LSDV.