The objectives of the present study were to investigate strain identification of Echinococcus granulosus infecting camel and human in Qalyubia, Egypt. Therefore partial sequences were generated after gel purification of nested PCR amplified products of mitochondrial NADH 1gene of Echinococcus granulosus complex. Sequences were further examined by sequence analysis and subsequent phylogeny to compare these sequences to those from known strains of E.granulosus circulating globally and retrieved from GenBank. All isolates are homologous to the camel strain, E. canadensis (G6) genotype. Nucleotide mutations generate polymorphism at position of 275 nucleotide, where a thymine replaced a cytosine and at the levels of 385 and 386 nucleotides, where two cytosine substituted a guanine and a thymine respectively. KF815488 Egypt showed typical identity (99.5%) with JN637176 Sudan, HM853659 Iran, AF386533 France and AJ237637 Poland with 0.5% diversion.. Phylogenetic analysis showed a robust tree clustering all isolates with sequences belonging to the camel genotype (G6) variant with strong bootstrap values at relevant nodes and the evolutionary distance between groups is very short. There are two mutations in the sequences of amino acids at the position of 92, where an Alanine is changed to a Valine and at the position of 129, where a Valine is transformed to a Proline. Our record of a single genotype determined a strain which could be incriminated for camel and human infectivity and responsible for its persistence in the endemic areas. Such epidemiological data could guide the application of efficient control strategies of hydatidosis in Egypt. |