Objective This was an epidemiological study of children
with pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in one medical center
Methods This was a retrospective case series study; we
reviewed the files of all children admitted at Imbaba fever
hospital with PCR-confirmed pandemic H1N1 influenza
from June 2009 to May 2010. Data extracted were age, sex,
clinical features at presentation, course of illness,
investigations, duration, and the outcome and also the
underlying medical conditions known to be risk factors for
influenza-related complications.
Results A total of 95 children (63 males and 32 females)
were studied, mean age 9.6± 4.74 years. The
sociodemographic data showed that most of the affected
children lived in suburban (49.5%), rural (30.5%), and urban
(20%) areas, with a significant statistical difference
between them. The clinical presentation indicated that the
common manifestations were fever (100%), followed by
sore throat (87.4%) and cough (75.8%). Most of the patients
responded to the usual dose of oseltamivir, but 15 patients
had complications and required extended double doses; 11
patients improved and three were admitted to the ICU (two
of these patients had a previous history of bronchial
asthma), with no recorded mortality.
Conclusion Pandemic H1N1 influenza did not appear to
cause more severe disease than seasonal influenza. The
disease mainly affects adolescents and young adults. It
usually has a mild course and responds well to oseltamivir.
Asthma is a significant risk factor for severe disease.