The aim of this study was to assess mothers' practical knowledge about care of their premature infants after discharge from the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). This study was descriptive design. It was conducted at the NICUs in Benha Children Hospital, Benha University Hospital, and Benha Teaching Hospital during the period of March 2006 up to December 2006. The study sample was composed of two hundreds of mothers and their premature infants who met the required criteria. The tool of data collection was a structured questionnaire sheet which was designed to collect socio-demographic data about mothers and their premature infants, mothers' sources of knowledge about their premature infants' care, mothers’ knowledge about concept and needs of premature infants, causes of premature delivery, as well as premature care such as; eye care, cord care, bathing, immunization, sleeping patterns, diaper care, infants' crying, feeding patterns, feeding problems, administration of medications. It also included questions on warning signs, and importance of medical follow-up. The questions were closed and open ended. The results of the present study showed that the mean age of mothers was 25.70 + 0.77 years. Analysis of data showed that 78% of mothers have incorrect knowledge about the concept of prematurity. Meanwhile the majority of mothers have incorrect knowledge about care of premature infant, so they need educational program about skills and knowledge regarding premature infants' care. There was a highly significant statistical difference between mothers’ practical knowledge and their age and level of education. This study concluded that the majority of mothers need to improve their practical knowledge about care of their premature infants. The study recommended that the nurse should play a key role in the health teaching and counseling mothers both in urban and rural areas, provide and improve practical knowledge for mothers about care of their premature infants through training, demonstration, re-demonstration, evaluation, and follow-up for mothers' practices through the educational program.
KEY WORDS: Premature infant, Low Birth Weight, Practical knowledge, Mother care, and Discharge care.