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Dr. Asmaa Mohamed El-Tokhy :: Publications:

تقدير الآثار الإقتصادية للتغيرات المناخية على محصول القمح في مصر
Authors: أسماء محمد الطوخي بهلول، مرفت أبو اليزيد سليمان عاشور، محيي الدين محمد البيجاوى
Year: 2019
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: مجلة الجديد في البحوث الزراعية
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Asmaa Mohamed El-Tokhy_5.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Agricultural production is one of the most sensitive and affected by climate change. It is expected that the agricultural sector in general and specially agricultural crops will be affected in particular as they are closely related to climatic conditions, both at the time of cultivation, growth, or harvest. The wheat crop is one of the most important cereal crops in Egypt. It is the first strategic food crop according to the Egyptian food security considerations. It represents the main food of the population in both rural and urban areas, in addition to that many food industries depend on it. In addition to that secondary production of it is an important source of animal feed, and the area which cultivated by wheat in Egypt is about 3.35 million feddan, The total production is amounted to be about 9.27 million ton, and the total net return amounted to be about 3446 pounds / acre during the average period (2015-2017). The study aimed at measuring the economic impacts of climate change on the wheat crop in the regions and governorates of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The research method was to use the Ricardo model to assess the economic impacts of climate change on the net yield of agricultural crops, The research was based on data from the Central Administration of Agricultural Economics in the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics data, and the data of the General Authority for Meteorology and Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, The research was based on data from the Central Administration of Agricultural Economics in the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics data, and the data of the General Authority for Meteorology and Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, While the other part measures the economic impact of climate change on the net yield of the wheat crop, in order to reach the sensitivity of this crop to climatic variables. The main results were as follows: -The future climate changes will have negative effects on the agriculture and food system in general and on the majority of agricultural crops in particular. -The results also indicate an increase in the average net yield of wheat crop at a significant growth rate and estimated increase of LE 65.20 / acre during the period (2000 -2017). -There are negative effects of the increase in the temperature of the minimum and the relative and relative humidity (except for the high humidity of about 5%, the positive effect on the net yield of the yield of wheat), while the effects were positive and increasing the decrease of the minimum and relative temperatures and relative humidity.

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