Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer death in the world. Precancerous lesions that may progress to CRC include inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and adenoma This study aims to clarify the role of STMN1 and ACeCS2 and the morphometric changes in colorectal carcinogenesis. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study on 100 cases; control (n=8) IBD (n=29), convetional adenoma (n=19), serrated polyp/adenoma (n=9) and CRC (n=35), All cases were stained with STMN1 and ACeCS2 antibodies using Avidin-biotin complex. In morphometry, we assessed nuclear morphometric parameters and gland/stromal ratio among studied groups. Results: There was statistically significant correlation between Stathmin-1 and dysplasia in IBD (p=0.008), with dysplasia (p=0.05), types (p-0.003) of conventional adenoma, staging (p=0.015) and node metastasis (p=0.04) of CRC cases. There was statistically significant correlation between ACeCS2 among studied groups (p=0.006), with dysplasia in IBD (p=0.002), staging (p=0.001) and node metastasis (p=0.004) of CRC. There was statistically significant correlation between morphometric parameters among studied groups (P |