The recent years have witnessed increasing interest of physical psychology as it began to care about the applied science of its theories and principles to benefit from the behavior, experience and mental process. This may contribute in developing the physical performance, enhancing the player and excellence in physical competitions.
Mental training is considered to have a great effect in enhancing the performance level. According to the previous studies done by Egleston ( 1936); Perry (1939); Ruben ( 1939 ); Beatite ( 1946 ); Water Land ( 1956 ) ; Clark ( 1961 ) ; Kelsy ( 1961 ) ; Smith of Harrison ( 1962 ) ; Whiely ( 1962 ) ; Steal ( 1963 ) ; Egestron . ( 38/310 ) ( 38/280 )
Mohamed A Shamon ( 1996 ) suggests that relaxing is the common factor in all programs of mental training and it is also the main entrance for mental perspective and attention concentration. It is usual to focus on reaching a good level of this skill before entering into any of the other dimensions of mental training. The success and efficiency of mental training is based on how we master this skill. ( 38/196 )