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Assist. Hala Saeed Abd elfattah Elsayed :: Publications:

Different Types Of Attacks On Block Ciphers
Authors: Wageda Alsobky, Hala Saeed, Ali N.El-wakeil
Year: 2020
Keywords: Differential attack; Algebraic attack; S-box; Grobner Bases
Journal: International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering (IJRTE)
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Pages: 28-31
Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Hala Saeed Abd elfattah Elsayed_null.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Cryptanalysis is a very important challenge that faces cryptographers. It has several types that should be well studied by cryptographers to be able to design cryptosystem more secure and able to resist any type of attacks. This paper introduces six types of attacks: Linear, Differential , Linear-Differential, Truncated differential Impossible differential attack and Algebraic attacks. In this paper, algebraic attack is used to formulate the substitution box(S-box) of a block cipher to system of nonlinear equations and solve this system by using a classical method called Bases . By Solving these equations, we made algebraic attack on S-box.

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